Friday, August 7, 2015

Baby 3--Whee!

I say whee because I finally motivated myself to drive 40 minutes and buy thread to finish this project.  I even thought ahead and bought more than one spool! I tell you, I'm a model of efficiency.

Since baby 3 is due very soon, I'm glad to cross this one  off my list, and it wasn't a difficult sew.  Living on a farm there's always lots of decoratively rusty machinery to serve as a backdrop.  First up is the 1953 Ferguson that was in regular use when we first got married, but is now happily retired in what we call spare parts row.  In the background you can see bits of an old horse trailer.

I still think the fabric is just perfect for a little boy, especially the firetrucks and emergency vehicles. (I know, it's upside down, but you can't possibly expect me to go out and retake that picture!)

Next up is the equally elderly bulldozer.  It hasn't been anywhere in quite a while, but did wonderful work building roads in the woods.

I found just enough fabric in my stash to make the perfect little boy backing-full of lots of interesting vehicles and signs.

Today was bread day.  I've made bread for years and really, every time I make it, I think it's a little miracle.  I love the feel of it as I knead and love the smell as it's rising and as it's cooking. Today's was particularly cooperative and rose beautifully.

The first rise.

The second rise.

And the final product. I like that a bit of the quilt can be seen draped over the chair.

I'm linking up to Finish it up Friday and Can I Get a Whoop Whoop today.